History & Mission
Mission and History
Our Mission
To enhance the capacity of adults and youth with cognitive and developmental disabilities to become increasingly active, contributing members of their community.
In 1974, Southside Services was established to meet new needs of adults with cognitive and developmental disabilities. At this time, institutions were being closed and individuals were being integrated into mainstream society. While group homes and semi-independent living arrangements had the potential to provide more choice and dignity, it soon became evident that support was limited. Skills needed for successful independent living didn’t automatically develop. They needed to be taught and learned.
We provide a safety net to inner-city Minneapolis adults – to be sure they received not only the assistance they needed to survive independently, but to thrive.
We provide a safety net to inner-city Minneapolis adults – to be sure they received not only the assistance they needed to survive independently, but to thrive.
Now, in 2019, the days of institutionalizing people with mild to moderate disabilities are behind us. To some extent, society is more aware of what people need to become successful. However, there are still many adults who don’t have safety nets set to catch them. There are many who have no family support to give them encouragement and a helping hand. This is where Southside Services comes in. We provide essential support and enhance the lives of nearly 300 clients every year.